Home Renovation Inspection: Why You Should Get One?
Many homeowners choose to renovate their homes for various reasons. Be it to give it a new look, increase property value, address safety concerns, or just simply fulfill their specific needs.
Renovation is always great for your home, but…

New Construction Home Inspection: Why Is It Necessary?
The question of having a new construction home inspection performed can seem a little weird.
After all, you hired a quality builder to craft your home, the city inspectors already came by and signed off on it.
But one of the biggest…

11 Month Home Inspection: Why Is It So Important?
Buying a newly constructed home can be the most reassuring real estate investment. After all, there's no worry about structural, electrical, or any other potential problems.
You move into a brand new home in what is likely a new neighborhood…

Condo Home Inspection: Everything Buyers Need To Know
Condos are the new hot sellers in the real estate marketplace. So much so that Palm Beach realtors are reporting a 5% increase in condo sales in 2023 alone.
In fact, be it a first-time buyer or a multiple-property owner, condos are preferred…

Do Lenders Require a Home Inspection?
Mortgages are becoming one of the most popular ways to finance a new home. So much so that Bankrate figures suggest over 1.52 million households took a residential loan in the last quarter of 2022.
And for obvious reasons as lenders have…

Is A Home Inspection Required For A Conventional Loan?
Residential properties, including family homes and condos, among others, are the hot sellers on the real estate market. And among all mortgage options, conventional loans have turned out to be an overwhelmingly favorite method of financing…

How Much Is A Home Inspection In Florida?
You'll agree when we say that a home inspection is the most crucial test to understand a home's robustness and longevity.
In fact, be it purchasing a home or undertaking repairs and renovations, an inspection report is considered the benchmark…

Do Home Inspections Check For Asbestos?
A complete home inspection is considered the gold standard to learn about the build quality and longevity of a home, among others. So much so that almost every homebuyer seeks to conduct an inspection before making a purchase.
In fact,…

What is a home inspection? (All Questions Answered)
My goal - is to ensure, after reading this blog, you don’t have to search for “What is a home inspection?” anymore!
For centuries, prospective buyers have sought insight into properties unseen with the help of trusted advisors.

Third Party Inspection For New Home: A Complete Guide
Buying a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming.
And for obvious reasons, as while you're thrilled about your brand-new abode, there's also a fair share of doubt about its structural quality and strength, among others.